3 Books That Changed My Life


As you get to know me, you'll realize I'm obsessed with personal development. I'm a big believer in the idea that your body does what your mind wants. So for me, the first step to having the body I want and finding the will power to avoid shoveling a chocolate cupcake from the office down my throat is getting my mind right. These three books single-handedly did just that. Seriously, they changed my entire life. I know that's a loaded statement, but it's true. So here they are. 


1. The Happiness Advantage: The book centers on the idea that success follows happiness, not the other way around. In other words, many think you will find happiness after success, when in reality, people are more likely to find success in their lives if they can find happiness first. The author, Shawn Anchor, references study after study showcasing this. For example, doctors are more likely to provide accurate diagnoses after eating a piece of candy. Children are better able to put blocks together after thinking of a happy memory prior. It discusses how the strongest people learn how to reframe their mistakes into momentum for doing the next thing even better. It completely changed the way I think about leading my team at work, or getting back on track after a bad eating day. I've read it twice. And you should too. 


2. You Are A Badass: This. book. is. effing. amazing. The author, Jen Sincero, is somehow sarcastically hilarious, realistic and inspiring all at the same time. She says we are all put on this earth for a reason - with our own quirks, strengths and ideas. There is no one else exactly like you, so you're doing the world a dis-service if you aren't being the most real version of you. She talks about ignoring the haters and moving forward on projects, side gigs, hobbies or drastic career changes if they are truly what will make you happy. Her book is one of the main reasons I found the courage to start this blog. So if you need a little push to accomplish that goal lingering in the back of your mind. Or, if you need to find the self-confidence to stop pretending to fit in and start being the real you, this is the book for you. 


3. The Miracle Morning: You guys, I wake up one hour early every day (at 5am) to read, meditate, visualize myself accomplishing my goals, speak affirmations, journal and workout. Really, I do. I know, I wouldn't believe me if I were you either. But I do, and I have this book to thank for it. After surviving a near-death experience and crippling debt the author, Hal Elrod, needed to make a life change. So he created a morning that helped him do just that. He teaches you how to actually get out of bed (alarm clock across the room, brush your teeth, drink a glass of water, etc.). For me, this was the most helpful part. Once I do all these things, I hunker down and do all the things I described above. By the time I jump in the shower, my mind is so damn right it's not even funny. You should try it. You will never look back. 


If finding time to sit down and read is tough for you, the Audible app from Amazon will be your best friend. Listen on your way to work, while you're folding laundry or when you're on a run. With Audible, your first book is free. So there is really no reason not to get started. I've also replaced weekend morning TV with a cup of coffee and a book. Another habit that's proven to set my day off in a much better spot. 

For me, getting my mind in the right place is crucial to staying on track with my health and fitness. Maybe it is for you too. Try it out this week and let me know what you think! 

- Ronnie