meet kelsey


By day: Fine wine consultant.

By night: Wife to Dan and puppy mamma to my  Labradoodle, Duck.

Loves: Reading, working out with the girls, new fitness classes, vacations in the sun, watching football, and time with my family in Portland.

Loathes: Unloading the dishwasher, being cold, bad driving.

Superpower: I have a background in human biology and microbiology so I'll work to break down scientific articles into usable information that can help you be successful. I'm also very goal oriented. I have a lot of strategies to hold myself accountable and I'll try to share my tips so you can reach yours goals.

Health challenge: Put on muscle! Ronnie and I can do the same exercises and she can create perfect biceps and toned legs. I on the other hand, struggle to put on muscle. This year I've changed my workouts to heavier lifts in the hopes of making muscle gains!

Career challenge: Finding a balance between always being available for my clients and setting clear boundaries. I used to take phone calls late into the night and first thing in the morning from worried clients. I'm trying to set my phone down at night and letting work know I will handle the problem in the morning. Some days I'm better at this than others. We're all a work in progress, right?!