meet ronnie


By day: Public relations manager at Microsoft. 

By night: Wife to Nick, and puppy mamma to my Morkie and Maltese puppies, Bear and Leo.

Loves: Girl time, my family in Montana, my twin sister and niece in Texas, warm weather, stationary, new workout classes, wine tasting, party planning and anything creative.

Loathes: Wasting the day, laundry and chardonnay.

Superpower: I love trying new things –  workouts, recipes, diets, self-development techniques.  I’ve learned a lot about what does and doesn’t work and can share those insights with you! I’m also obsessed with career and personal development, so you’ll see a lot of that weaved into this blog too.

Health Mission: Finding consistency, hands down. I’m all in for several months, then I fall off the band wagon and barely get to the gym a couple times a week. I’m starting to get better though! I’m also trying to develop a better mind set with food. I can obsess over what I’m eating and calories, then still eat the wrong thing, and feel alllll the guilt.

Career Mission: Balance. As I grow in my career I’m getting better and better at focusing on the whole me, not just the work me.