Welcome To Work It: Our Philosophy


The 21st century woman has some pretty intense standards to live up to. A perfectly clean and decorated home. A toned body and smooth skin. A wardrobe that could be featured on Pinterest. Oh, and a super, awesome, important job. No big deal. It's all possible, right? Instagram says so.

Here at Work It we want to put an end to this madness. We want to tell women they don’t have to live up to these unrealistic standards. That having it all isn't actually possible, and that is okay.


We've found that a happy life is a meaningful one. A life with a job that challenges you and makes you feel worth it, strong relationships with your friends and family, and a body that makes you feel energetic, confident and full of life.


Here at Work It we aim to give you realistic, actionable advice that addresses real issues women tackle every day. Things like night-time snacking that makes you feel like a failure. What it really looks like to work 50 hours a week, be a parent and still get a workout in. How to pick up the pieces after you've stress eaten a pint of ice cream. How to change your mindset and feel inspired when you're overwhelmed and feeling unsupported. And lastly, how to find a diet plan that fits your personality, tendencies, lifestyle and habits.


There's a nice spot in the middle we can all strive for. Some weeks we'll be closer to one side than the other. But at the end of the day, it's all about balance. Each day makes up a week, then a month and then a year. Before you know it, we'll all be back here in 2019 with the same goals, hopes and dreams to have a more balanced life next year.


So, follow us on this journey. We hope to inspire you. To make you laugh. To make you feel like you're good enough. Because you are. We all are. 


Let's do this!

-Ronnie and Kelsey