7 Ways to Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick


Oh ladies and gentlemen, it's New Year's resolution time! Well actually, it's almost February. The time when many of us have abandoned our dreams from January first and replaced them with a big pile of guilt. Well guess what? It is never too late to pause and start over with a new plan.

So for those of you wanting to turn over a new leaf and become the most energetic, healthy version of you, we've pulled together our top tips for increasing the odds of achieving your goals in 2018.


1. Take it 3 months at a time 

Thinking about how great you'll feel in one year feels much less exciting than thinking about how amazing you'll feel in April. Plus, many people are within a few months of reaching their goals, or at least making major headway. Think about it. If weight loss is your goal, you could safely loose two pounds per week, leaving you at 24 pounds in three months!  


2. Write YOUR goals down daily   

Studies show that people who write down their goals achieve them 97% more often than those who don't. 97%! Today, sit down and write your goals for the next three months. Then each morning, write down specific goals for each day. Then, when you are faced with a tough decision to say no to a donut, or skip your workout for happy hour, a little voice in the back of your mind will remind you how motivated you felt in the morning and how bummed you will feel if you don't meet your daily goal.  


3. Put A PICTURE OF YOUR goal body on your fridge, pantry, cell phone & computer 

Something I did when getting ready for my wedding was put a picture of my goal body on my fridge, on my cell phone background and on my computer. The little burst of inspiration was a great reminder about my goals and it helped me when I was about to open the fridge and mindlessly eat something I didn't need.  


4. Drink water 

Thirst and hunger signals come from the same part of your brain. So if you're craving food even when you know you've eaten enough, you're likely just thirsty. Drinking water also boosts your metabolism, increasing your fat burning power. Keep a water bottle with you all day. Shoot for about 8 glasses, or 64 ounces. It's an easy way to boost your results, but it's also a sneaky way to keep you from reaching them. So just keep your pee very light yellow, and you should be alllllll good. ;)  


5. Prep your food on Sundays 

Planning is the key to success when starting a healthy lifestyle. If you make your meals ahead of time, when you're hungry it takes the choice out of it. At the beginning of the week, decide what you'll eat for breakfast each day. Keep breakfast super simple, but full of protein to keep you full (eggs, smoothie with protein). Make 5 lunches and 5 dinners and put them in your fridge. For me this looks like, 4 oz. lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey) 2 servings of veggies and about 30g of carbs (that's about 2 pieces of toast or a roll). Decide on a few snacks for in between those meals - try for high protein (turkey breast, protein shakes, hard boiled eggs). Then if you’re a dessert lover like me, get ahead of it put some berries and cool whip in the fridge.  


6. Choose a workout you enjoy & plan when you'll actually do it  

There are many options for getting a workout in: hot yoga, outdoor running, group classes, the plain ol' gym. Pick what you like and do it - no questions asked! Something is always better than nothing. So don’t kill yourself with a 5 am boot camp you know you'll hate, because you'll just quit and be back at square one. It's about the long game and finding something you think you can do for at least three months.  

Now on to scheduling. Do not play your workout schedule by ear. Each week of your life is different; some days with early morning meetings, other afternoons with scheduled happy hours or other commitments. Look at your calendar and schedule in 3-5 days of workouts at the beginning of every week. This will greatly increase your chances of making them happen.  



7. Find accountability

Your options: meet a friend at the gym, book classes that charge if you don’t show up, book a tropical vacation, tell everyone you know you're trying to change your lifestyle. Your willpower is often not enough, especially in the beginning when you're coming off a month or two of sugar cookies and wine. So get creative and find some accountability to make you stick to your goals.  

Hope these tips help you make big things happen the next few months. Just remember how much energy you'll have, how great it will feel getting dressed in the morning, and how proud you'll be of yourself for sticking to your goals.  

Good luck!  

- Ronnie