Tank Top Ready Arm Workout

Kels and I pulled together a few of our staple arm moves that you can do anywhere with a set of dumbbells. Do each move three times, with 15 reps each time. Mix in five burpees between each move to get your heart rate up!


Bicep curls: Keep your elbows close to the body and do not swing the weights.

Burpees: A tried and true move that's sure to get your heart rate up! Mix in 5-10 between arm moves for major calorie burning action. 

Push ups: I'm on the left doing a full pushup. Kels is on the right doing a modified version on her knees. Do whichever feels best to you and still feels challenging. Your elbows should be slightly turned out and you should feel it across your whole front body.

Bent-Over Rows: This one is great for your back and biceps! As you pull back, pull your shoulder blades back and together and use your upper back muscles (lats) to bring the weight backward. Don't forget to keep your abs engaged so you don't put too much pressure on your back. 

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