Your Willpower Isn't Enough, and That's Okay


At the beginning of the year millions of people make goals to become a healthier, happier version of themselves. The sad part? A whopping 92% of New Year's resolutions fail. This is for a myriad of reasons, but the one I'm tackling today is the idea of willpower

Willpower is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the easier it gets. So when you're starting out on your latest mission to get back on track, relying on willpower is just silly - because you haven't built up the muscle yet. This time, when starting your new diet or workout plan, look inside yourself and think about what has derailed you in the past. Then figure out a very specific strategy for avoiding that failure in the future. Don’t assume this time willpower will be enough. Because honestly, it isn’t for most people, and that's okay. Some examples from my life:


Skipping workouts

There was a time when I thought I would always have the willpower to workout after a grueling day at work. That was a joke. :) Work is hectic and I'm often exhausted, so skipping my workout happened, a lot. I needed a fool proof plan and a ton of accountability. In my case, this meant finding an awesome workout buddy (Kelsey), and using ClassPass. I sign up for a class before I go to work each morning. If I don’t go, I get charged nearly $20 on top of the fee I already pay for ClassPass. This level of accountability is what I need to stay consistent during the work week. I’m not kidding myself that every day I’ll actually want to go to the gym. I know my willpower and motivation will fail, so I set up safe guards to make sure I don’t. Is there a class you can sign up/pay for ahead of time? Or a friend you’d never leave hanging at the gym? Figure out why you’re skipping your workouts and develop a plan that makes skipping them highly unlikely.


Binge eating

Certain foods are impossible for me to eat in moderation. So I just don’t have them in my house. Halo Top ice cream. Not allowed. Peanut butter – nope! These insanely delicious gluten free chips from Costco… definitely not allowed. After a while I stop missing them, and I just don’t eat them, and that’s just fine for me. Again, I know my willpower will fail me, so I just don’t put myself in that situation. What are the foods in your pantry that ruin your diet like clockwork? Yes, even those "healthy" things like almonds, pita chips and Healthy Pop count if you can't eat them in moderation. Get them out of your life!



I developed the habit of eating something sweet after dinner. I’ve tried to stop, but I never actually do. So instead of cutting it out, I have berries and Cool Whip with cinnamon for dessert on weekday nights. It helps me feel satisfied, and it’s a realistic way for me to control my cravings in the evenings. Side note: Sometimes I suck, and down half a bag of Boom Chica Pop after I’ve had my heathy dessert. Yep, not ideal. But most nights, I don’t and stay on track. It’s all about doing your best most of the time. You will have missteps, everyone does. Just make sure you get back on track tomorrow.

In the end, we all have our vices. It’s about digging deep and understanding why you make choices that derail your biggest goals. Then, taking very specific steps personalized to your weaknesses and lifestyle that put you on the path to success. Through this process, it is my hope that you feel less guilt and confusion about why you can’t do what others apparently do so easily. It’s about knowing who you are, and celebrating that. In the words of one of my favorite authors, Jen Sincero

“To shy away from who you truly are would leave the world you-less. You are the only you there is and ever will be. I repeat, you are the only you there is and ever will be. Do not deny the world its one and only chance to bask in your brilliance.”

Do you have any tips for avoiding the big derail? Share them in the comments below.
