Do You Really Need 6 Meals Per Day?


There are so many diet plans out there telling you how often you should eat. Many suggest eating six small meals per day, others three more substantial meals. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no scientific evidence that eating 6 meals per day increases your metabolism or fat loss more than eating 3 meals per day. The biggest takeaway here is that everyone is different. Some people thrive on eating six meals per day (Kelsey), and others tend to overeat (me). 

In this post, we'll cover both perspectives and help you decide which is a better fit for you.


3 meals per day

When we were training for our first-ever blog photo shoot (talk about pressure!), I was eating six meals per day. But I wasn't losing weight. I found myself constantly thinking about my next meal, and couldn't even remember what it felt like to actually feel hungry. The number on the scale also wasn't budging. I found myself eating because it was my scheduled time, even when I wasn't hungry. I was also spending hours and hours prepping food on Sundays and that just wasn't sustainable for me.

I switched to eating a healthy breakfast at home, then only prepping lunch and dinner. I then had some simple snacks on hand in case I got hungry. I also wanted to make sure I had fuel before my workouts after work, so I would bring a protein shake or coconut water (turns out coco water has lots of carbs!). This plan worked way better for me. Magically, the pounds started melting off! The secret for me here is having healthy snacks like blueberries, instant oatmeal, protein shakes, hard boiled eggs and nuts in case I get hungry between meals so I don't go ham on the snack table at work. 


6 meals per day

The major argument behind six small meals is that you never let yourself get too hungry, or let your blood sugar drop, and therefore you won't overeat at your next meal. Many also argue that it gives you more energy and properly fuels your workouts. This is 100% the case for Kelsey. When eating six meals per day, she has a ton of energy and mental clarity. She sticks to her diet plan and kills it at the gym. She was also able to reach her weight loss goals. 

The biggest takeaway here is that everyone is different. Try both ways and see what works for you. That is one of the biggest things I've learned in the world of health and fitness. People have identified so many ways for people to lose weight. Some things work splendidly for your friend, but absolutely do not work for you. Making you feel like a failure. Well guess what, you're not a failure, you just haven't found the plan that works for you! 

Have you tested the waters on this? Tell us in the comments below which you prefer - three or six meals?

- Ronnie